Friday, February 7, 2014

Visiting Artist

Before visiting artist:
Bryant Holsenbeck is an artist that collects many things Americans throw away and recycles them into pieces of art. My expectation is that I will learn how to see recycled items in different ways in terms or art. I think the project will be challenging at first but I will learn how to manipulate the items into different ways. I plan on making a giraffe for my project with Bryant Holsenbeck. My favorite work of hers is the large scale environmental public art 
After Visiting Artist:
 My expectations for the project did line up in regards to the struggles and thinking abstractly when working on the piece. However, really enjoyed this project more than I thought I would. Some struggles I had were the long legs of the animal and making it stable after being top heavy. The visiting artist helped me with adding more recycled items like used paint brushes to help reinforce the legs.  Although, I was successful at making the giraffe a pretty large size and making it look accurate. I really enjoyed this project and would love to try to  rest a different animal.